Learn All About Maca And Its Benefits

The maca root is a nutritious plant native to the Andes mountains of South America. Its leaves are eaten as a staple food in Peru and Bolivia, where it’s known for boosting energy, improving libido, and increasing fertility.

Because maca contains high levels of magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc, many people have been using it to improve their overall health. In fact, one study found that women who took maca supplements had a 50% lower risk of developing heart disease.

However, if you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn, you may want to be careful about taking maca because it can actually exacerbate your symptoms and cause some problems with digestion.

Here is what you need to know before you take Maca Pulver, including tips on how to use it safely and effectively.

What Is Maca?

Maca is a tuberous root that grows up to 2 meters (6.5 feet) tall and has purple flowers, which give off an aroma similar to vanilla. The root is dried and ground into a powder, which then becomes mixed with water.

The benefits of maca include increased stamina and endurance, improved mood and sex drive, increased bone density, and lowered cholesterol.

It also has been used to treat certain kinds of infertility, and there is evidence suggesting that maca may help reduce hot flashes and low libido in menopausal women.

Is Maca Safe To Take?

There is no scientific evidence indicating that maca is harmful to humans, but there are some potential side effects. These include stomach upset, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, and even nausea and heart palpitations.

If you experience any of these symptoms after taking maca, stop immediately and consult your doctor. It isn’t recommended that you take maca while pregnant or nursing, so don’t try to self-prescribe this herb to boost your energy or treat certain ailments.

If you have any medical conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, or gastrointestinal issues, it’s best to see a physician first before ingesting maca. Some doctors recommend that anyone taking medication should consult a healthcare provider before starting to take maca. If you do decide to incorporate maca into your diet, stick to just 1 gram per day.

How Do I Take Maca?

You can buy powdered maca at most grocery stores, health food stores, and online. Just make sure that the powder you buy is made primarily from the root of the plant rather than its seeds, which contain small amounts of cyanide. It’s important that you purchase organic maca to avoid traces of pesticides.

To start out, take only a very small amount of maca when you first begin incorporating it into your diet. Start by consuming 1/4 teaspoon daily, and work your way up to 1/8th of a teaspoon each day. This gradual increase will allow your body time to adjust to the supplement.

If you feel nauseated or have other digestive issues, stop taking maca and talk to your doctor. Don’t skip meals and exercise regularly to keep your blood sugar levels stable, since maca can affect blood glucose levels in some people.

How much Maca can I take?

All through their lives, Peruvians constantly use it. We do advise taking one day off every week or one week every two months. We would simply take a vacation from eating any fresh fruit or vegetable every now and then for the same reason. Simply put, it feels good to rest the body.

While maca can help reduce heartburn, it won’t cure it entirely. If you still experience acid reflux and heartburn after taking maca, talk to your doctor about other ways to control these symptoms.